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IRTG Workshop 2020

Eighth Bielefeld-SNU
joint Workshop in Mathematics

February 24 - February 26, 2020
Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld


Moritz Kaßmann (Bielefeld University)
Panki Kim (Seoul National University)


  • Oleg Butkovsky (TU Berlin)
  • Sun-Sig Byun (Seoul National University)
  • Xin Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
  • Markus Ebke (Bielefeld University)
  • Nam-Gyu Kang (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
  • Kyung-Youn Kim (Academia Sinica Taipei)
  • Panki Kim (Seoul National University)
  • Heasung Lee (Bielefeld University)
  • Jaehun Lee (Seoul National University)
  • Ki-Ahm Lee (Seoul National University)
  • Sanghyuk Lee (Seoul National University)
  • Andre Schenke (Bielefeld University)
  • Michael Scheutzow (TU Berlin)
  • Wilhelm Stannat (TU Berlin)
  • Gerald Trutnau (Seoul National University)
  • Zoran Vondraček (University of Zagreb)
  • Jiang Wang (Fujian Normal University)
  • Marvin Weidner (Bielefeld University)


Monday 24 Tuesday 25 Wednesday 26 Thursday 27
9.30 - 9.55 Registration
9.55 - 10.00 Welcome
10.00-10.30 Sun-Sig Byun Nam-Gyu Kang 10.00-10.30 Ki-Ahm Lee DFG-NRF
on-site review
10.35-11.05 Oleg Butkovsky Markus Ebke 10.35-11.05 Marvin Weidner
11.05-11.35 Coffee 11.05-11.25 Coffee
11.35-12.05 Michael Scheutzow Wilhelm Stannat 11.25-11.55 Kyung-Youn Kim
12.10-12.40 Sanghyuk Lee Andre Schenke 12.00-12.30
12.40-13.50 Lunch
on-site review
13.50-14.20 Panki Kim Gerald Trutnau
14.25-14.55 Jaehun Lee Haesung Lee
15.00-15.30 Xin Chen Zoran Vondraček
15.30-16.00 Coffee
16.00-18.00 Meetings of IRTG members Excursion
to Detmold/

All talks take place in the “Plenarsaal” (Room 222).

Titles and Abstracts

The Titles and Abstracts can be found here. The document will be regularly updated.


If you would like to participate, please send a short e-mail to the IRTG office until February 12, 2020.

Financial Support

The IRTG financially supports the participation of female young researchers. Also female master students at the end of their studies are welcome to participate in the IRTG workshop.
In order to apply, please send your CV (including a list of your publications if applicable) as well as an estimation of your travel expenses to the IRTG office until February 5, 2020.



If you have any questions about the workshop, please contact the IRTG office.

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