Anna Muranova

Doctoral student in the working group of Prof. Alexander Grigor'yan.

Since March 1, 2020 I work at Graz University of Technology (Austria).

Link to my new homepage


Office: D5-148
Phone: +49-(0)521-106-5292
E-mail: amuranova(at)

Research Interests

Laplace operator on graphs, Analysis on graphs, Electric networks, Algebraic Geometry, Algebra.


Postbox: 105 (in V3-126/128)
Office hours: Mo 15-16

Wintersemester 19/20

  • Analysis I (Exercises, together with Constantin Cloos), Mo 14-16
  • Probability Theory for QE (Exercises), Thu 10-12

Attendance at conferences and workshops

Talks and posters

  • Talk “Effective impedance as a rational function” (Prague, Conference “Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XVI” (September 10-13, 2019) book of abstracts
  • Poster “On the notion of effective impedance” (Bielefeld, Workshop “Analysis of nonlocal and nonsmooth models”, March 25 - 29, 2019).
  • Talk “On the notion of effective impedance via ordered fields” (Graz, Conference “Differential Operators on Graphs and Waveguides”, February 25 - March 1, 2019). book of abstracts
  • Poster “Conservation of complex power in electric network” (Bonn, Workshop “Young Women in Mathematical Physics”, September 24 - 28, 2018).
  • Talk “Electric networks and complex-weighted graphs ” (Gdańsk, The 6th Gdańsk Workshop on Graph Theory, July 4, 2018). abstract
  • Poster “Electric networks with impedances” (Seoul, Sixth Bielefeld - SNU Joint Workshop in Mathematics, March 17, 2018).
  • Talk “On effective impedance of electric networks” (Bielefeld, Geometric Analysis Seminar, December 5, 2017).


1. Muranova A. On dimensions of commutator varieties in case of low-dimensional matrices.Proceedings of 71th scientific conference of studentes and graduate students of Belarussian State University, Minsk, May 18-21, 2014: in 3 parts. Part 1. Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2014. p 18-22. (In Russian. Муранова А. Ю. О размерностях коммутаторных многообразий в случае матриц малой размерности. Сборник работ 71-й научной конференции студентов и аспирантов Белорусского государственного университета, Минск, 18–21 мая 2014 г. : в 3 ч. Ч. 1. – Минск : Изд. центр БГУ, 2014. – c 18-22.)


  • Anna Muranova “On the notion of effective impedance” Link to Preprint
  • Anna Muranova “Effective impedance over ordered fields” Link to Preprint
  • Anna Muranova “On the effective impedance of finite and infinite networks” Link to Preprint


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