Table of Contents

IRTG Workshop 2023

Tenth Bielefeld-SNU
joint Workshop in Mathematics

February 21 - February 24, 2023
Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld


Moritz Kaßmann (Bielefeld University)
Panki Kim (Seoul National University)


Titles and abstracts

The titles and abstracts can be found here.

Warm-Up Program

Before the workshop, there will be two scientific block courses for young researchers.

1) Gerald Trutnau (Seoul): Analytic theory of Itô-stochastic differential equations with non-smooth coefficients
2) Lucian Beznea (Bucharest): Introduction to branching processes

February 10 February 13 February 15 February 17 February 20
10.00 - 12:00 14.00 - 16:00 14.00 - 16:00 10:00 - 12:00 14:00 - 16:00 10:00 - 12:00
Trutnau Trutnau Trutnau Trutnau Beznea Beznea
D5-153, Bielefeld University


On Wednesday, February 22, afternoon there will be an excursion to Detmold with sightseeing and a nice get-together. The bus will depart from Bielefeld at 14:30.

Financial Support

The IRTG financially supports the participation of female young researchers. Also female Master's students at the end of their studies are welcome to participate in the IRTG workshop.
In order to apply, please send your CV (including a list of your publications if applicable) as well as an estimation of your travel expenses to the IRTG office until February 7, 2023.


Travelling to the ZiF


Please feel free to download the workshop poster and distribute it to interested parties.


If you have any question about the workshop, please contact the IRTG office.