Study program summer term 2023

Please note that the planning for the summer term is not yet completed and that further courses will be added to the program.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8-10 8-9 on selected dates
Bielefeld-Seoul Online Seminar
(Announcement page)
Random Matrices (II)
(Announcement page)
10-12 Geometric Analysis (III)
(Announcement page)
Heat semigroups and Dirichlet forms on manifolds and metric spaces (III) 10-11
reading course (I)
monthly meeting
14-16 Analysis (I) Numeric analysis (I)
(Announcement page)
Stochastic Analysis (II/III)
(Announcement page)
15-16 on selected dates
IRTG Colloquium

(Announcement page)

16-18 Cluster group
On the work of recent Fields medalists
Cluster group
Green function estimates and regularity for nonlocal equations
18-20 Cluster group
Evans and his theorems
Introductory Lecture
Topics Lecture
IRTG Colloquium
Topics Seminar
Cluster Groups