Table of Contents

Cluster Groups

WS 2024/2025

Topics in PDE

This cluster group focused on regularity results for elliptic and parabolic equations. For this, we read and discussed the book by Q. Han and F. Lin “Elliptic Partial Differential Equations” and the notes by A. Vasseur on the De Giorgi method for elliptic and parabolic equations.

Asymptotic methods in Analysis (and Random Matrix Theory)

We will use:

After reminding the classical methods in Asymptotics such as Saddle point and Steepest descent methods and Watson's Lemma in multiple dimensions, we will try to cover the distributional methods. If time permits we will touch upon the modern theory known as Asymptotics beyond All Orders and perhaps try to cover the first two chapters of the following book:

WS 2023/2024

Kolmogorov and Fokker-Planck Equations - Bridging Stochastic Processes and PDEs

In this Cluster Group, the fundamental principles of Kolmogorov and Fokker-Planck equations are explored, which are indispensable tools for comprehending stochastic processes and the dynamics of continuous systems influenced by randomness. The seminar encompasses their theoretical foundations and applications.

Key topics to be covered include:

Initially, we will delve into the classical theory, bridging the gap between stochastic processes and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Subsequently, we aim to explore a neoclassical approach, including the use of the fractional Laplacian as an illustrative example.

SS 2023

Green function estimates and regularity for nonlocal equations

Based on Ros-Oton–Serra's The Dirichlet problem for the fractional Laplacian: Regularity up to the boundary, Silvestre's Regularity of the obstacle problem for a fractional power of the laplace operator and Chen–Song's Estimates on Green function and Poisson kernels for symmetric stable processes.

Evans and his Theorems

Reading sources included Evan's Partial Differential Equations, Brezis' Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Partial Differential Equations, Stein's Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions and Duistermaat and Kolk's Distributions.

WS 2022/2023

Riemannian Manifolds

Reading Introduction to Riemannian manifolds by John M. Lee, supplemented by Heat kernel and analysis on manifolds by Alexander Grigor'yan.

WS 2021/2022

Interacting particle systems

WS 2020/2021

Dynamical systems and differential equations

Machine Learning


SS 2020

Coffee Table PDE book

Riemannian geometry and Brownian motion II

WS 2019/2020

Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

Riemannian geometry and Brownian motion I

SS 2019

Differential Geometry

WS 2018/2019

Analysis and Probability

Statistical Mechanics

WS 2017/2018

Graph Theory

Reading Spectral graph theory by Fan R. K. Chung

Lévy processes

Discuss Lévy Processes and Infinitely Divisible Distributions by Ken-iti Sato

