People in the IRTG

There are 20 experienced researchers from Germany and Korea involved in the research and qualification program of the International Research Training Group.

Doctoral students in Bielefeld and Seoul study in the respective PhD program of the IRTG. A keystone idea of the qualification program in Bielefeld is to welcome a new generation of up to ten doctoral students every two years (2016, 2018, 2020/21, 2022). As a result, each generation overlaps with the previous and the subsequent generation by one year. Two postdoctoral positions complement the team of researchers in Bielefeld. In order to foster the scientific exchange, one of the two postdoctoral fellows has an educational background from Korea.

The qualification and research program is enriched through visits of several guest scientists each year and of our Mercator fellow.

For more information about the scientists, check the individual pages listed here.